티스토리 뷰


K8s Gateway API

Hayley Shim 2024. 10. 13. 02:53

안녕하세요. Kubernetes Advanced Networking Study(=KANS) 3기 모임에서 스터디한 내용을 정리했습니다. 해당 글에서는 k8s중 Gateway API에 대해 자세히 알아보겠습니다. 


Gateway API

- 기존의 Ingress에 헤더 기반 라우팅, 헤더 변조, 트래픽 미러링(쉽게 트래픽 복제), 역할 기반 등 기능 추가 - Docs



Gloo Gateway



Install KinD Cluster

cat <<EOT> kind-1node.yaml
kind: Cluster
apiVersion: kind.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4
- role: control-plane
  - containerPort: 30000
    hostPort: 30000
  - containerPort: 30001
    hostPort: 30001
  - containerPort: 30002
    hostPort: 30002

# Install KinD Cluster
kind create cluster --image kindest/node:v1.30.0 --config kind-1node.yaml --name myk8s

# 노드에 기본 툴 설치
docker exec -it myk8s-control-plane sh -c 'apt update && apt install tree psmisc lsof wget bsdmainutils bridge-utils net-tools dnsutils tcpdump ngrep iputils-ping git vim -y'

# 노드/파드 확인
kubectl get nodes -o wide
kubectl get pod -A



Install Gateway API CRDs

# CRDs 설치 및 확인
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/releases/download/v1.0.0/standard-install.yaml
kubectl get crd


Install Glooctl Utility

# [신규 터미널] 아래 bash 진입 후 glooctl 툴 사용
docker exec -it myk8s-control-plane bash
# Install Glooctl Utility
## glooctl install gateway     # install gloo's function gateway functionality into the 'gloo-system' namespace
## glooctl install ingress     # install very basic Kubernetes Ingress support with Gloo into namespace gloo-system
## glooctl install knative     # install Knative serving with Gloo configured as the default cluster ingress
## curl -sL https://run.solo.io/gloo/install | sh
curl -sL https://run.solo.io/gloo/install | GLOO_VERSION=v1.17.7 sh
export PATH=$HOME/.gloo/bin:$PATH

# 버전 확인
glooctl version



Install Gloo Gateway : 오픈소스 버전

- rosetta 비활성화 

# rosetta 비활성화 
orb config set rosetta false

#  orb 설정 확인 
orb config show

# orbstack 재시작 
orb stop 
orb start
# [신규 터미널] 모니터링
watch -d kubectl get pod,svc,endpointslices,ep -n gloo-system

# Install Gloo Gateway
## --set kubeGateway.enabled=true: Kubernetes Gateway 기능을 활성화합니다.
## --set gloo.disableLeaderElection=true: Gloo의 리더 선출 기능을 비활성화합니다. (단일 인스턴스에서 Gloo를 실행 시 유용)
## --set discovery.enabled=false: 서비스 디스커버리 기능을 비활성화합니다.
helm repo add gloo https://storage.googleapis.com/solo-public-helm
helm repo update
helm install -n gloo-system gloo-gateway gloo/gloo \
--create-namespace \
--version 1.17.7 \
--set kubeGateway.enabled=true \
--set gloo.disableLeaderElection=true \
--set discovery.enabled=false

# Confirm that the Gloo control plane has successfully been deployed using this command
kubectl rollout status deployment/gloo -n gloo-system

# 설치 확인
kubectl get crd | grep 'networking.k8s.io'
kubectl get crd | grep -v 'networking.k8s.io'
kubectl get pod,svc,endpointslices -n gloo-system

kubectl explain gatewayclasses
kubectl get gatewayclasses
NAME           CONTROLLER             ACCEPTED   AGE
gloo-gateway   solo.io/gloo-gateway   True       21m

kubectl get gatewayclasses -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
- apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1
  kind: GatewayClass
      app: gloo
    name: gloo-gateway
    controllerName: solo.io/gloo-gateway


Install Httpbin Application

- A simple HTTP Request & Response Service - Link

watch -d kubectl get pod,svc,endpointslices,ep -n httpbin

# Install Httpbin Application
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/solo-io/solo-blog/main/gateway-api-tutorial/01-httpbin-svc.yaml

# 설치 확인
kubectl get deploy,pod,svc,endpointslices,sa -n httpbin
kubectl rollout status deploy/httpbin -n httpbin

# (옵션) NodePort 설정
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    app: httpbin
    service: httpbin
  name: httpbin
  namespace: httpbin
  type: NodePort
  - name: http
    port: 8000
    targetPort: 80
    nodePort: 30000
    app: httpbin

# (옵션) 로컬 접속 확인
echo "httpbin web - http://localhost:30000"     # macOS 사용자
echo "httpbin web -" # Windows 사용자



참고 자료



Introduction - Kubernetes Gateway API

Introduction Gateway API is an official Kubernetes project focused on L4 and L7 routing in Kubernetes. This project represents the next generation of Kubernetes Ingress, Load Balancing, and Service Mesh APIs. From the outset, it has been designed to be gen



Gloo Blog , Docs


Get started | Solo.io documentation

Install Gloo Gateway. This command creates the gloo-system namespace and installs the Gloo Gateway control plane into it. glooctl install gateway enterprise \ --license-key $GLOO_GATEWAY_LICENSE_KEY \ --version 1.17.3 \ --values - << EOF gloo: discovery: e



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